Gigantyczna lista przecenionych gier w App Store
Żałuję, że w Polsce nie ma takiego Czarnego Piątku, jaki jest w USA. Ogromne wyprzedaże dotyczą niemal każdej gałęzi przemysłu. Dla przykładu, w App Store setki aplikacji staniały z tego powodu. Prezentujemy Wam gigantyczną listę aplikacji, które możecie ?wyrwać? w promocyjnej cenie!
Większość wymienionych tytułów będzie dostępna w tak promocyjnych cenach tylko przez ten weekend. Warto się wiec pospieszyć z zakupami. Poniżej lista tytułów, na które warto zwrócić uwagę:
- []ChuChu Rocket! (2.99 -> .99)[]Fantastic Contraption (1.99 -> .99)[]Paperboy: Special Delivery (4.99 -> .99)[]Phantasy Star II (4.99 -> .99)[]Golden Axe (2.99 -> .99)[]Jet Car Stunts (1.99 -> .99)[]Enigmo (1.99 -> .99)[]Build-a-Lot 2: Town of the Year (2.99 -> .99)[]Mahjong Artifacts (2.99 -> .99)[]Boulder Dash Vol. 1 (4.99 -> 1.99)[]Super Monkey Ball 2 (5.99 -> 1.99)[]Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I (6.99 -> 4.99)[]Avatwee (2.99 -> .99)[]SketchBook Mobile (2.99 -> .99)[]NotifyMe 2 Simple (2.99 -> .99)[]Osfoora for Twitter (2.99 -> .99)[]Bills ~ On your table (3.99 -> 1.99)[]FX Photo Studio (2.99 -> 1.99)[]NotifyMe 2: ToDo in Cloud (5.99 -> 2.99)[]Prizmo (9.99 -> 6.99)[]1Password for iPhone (9.99 -> 7.99)[]Madden NFL 11 (4.99 -> .99)[]Cabela?s Dangerous Hunts 2011 (4.99 -> .99)[]Harbor Master (1.99 -> .99)[]Ravensword: The Fallen King (2.99 -> .99)[]Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night (4.99 -> .99)[]Sparkle the Game (2.99 -> .99)[]Boom Brigade (1.99 -> .99)[]Azkend (2.99 -> .99)[]Bit.Trip Beat (1.99 -> .99)[]Dig Dug Remix (2.99 -> .99)[]Galaga Remix (2.99 -> .99)[]Inspector Gadget (2.99 -> .99)[]Isaac Newton?s Gravity (2.99 -> .99)[]Mr. Driller (1.99 -> .99)[]Ms. PAC-MAN (4.99 -> .99)[]Noby Noby Boy (1.99 -> .99)[]PAC-Attack (2.99 -> .99)[]PAC-Chain Compact (2.99 -> .99)[]PAC-MAN (4.99 -> .99)[]PAC-MAN Championship Edition (4.99 -> .99)[]PAC-Match Party (1.99 -> .99)[]PAC-MAN Remix (2.99 -> .99)[]Pool Pro Online 3 (2.99 -> .99)[]Tamagotchi: Round the World (4.99 -> .99)[]Time Crisis Strike (2.99 -> .99)[]Tinseltown Dreams: The 50?s (2.99 -> .99)[]Toy Bot Mini Missions (1.99 -> .99)[]Toy Bot Diaries Compilation (3.99 -> .99)[]Toy Bot Diaries (1.99 -> .99)[]Toy Bot Diaries 2 (1.99 -> .99)[]Toy Bot Diaries 3 (1.99 -> .99)[]Spy Bot Chronicles (3.99 -> .99)[]A.D.D. ? Addictive Dumb Distractions (2.99 -> .99)[]Freeballin? ? 5 Pinball Tables (3.99 -> .99)[]Star Hogs: Online & Campaign Battles (4.99 -> .99)[]Zombie Attack! (1.99 -> .99)[]iBlast Moki (2.99 -> .99)[]Ace Combat Xi (4.99 -> 2.99)[]i Love Katamari (4.99 -> 2.99)[]Ridge Racer Accelerated (4.99 -> 2.99)[]Time Crisis 2nd Strike (9.99 -> 4.99)[]ReaddleDocs (4.99 -> .99)[]Scanner Pro (6.99 -> .99)[]OneDisk (4.99 -> .99)[]Flash Drive (4.99 -> .99)[]PDF Expert (4.99 -> .99)[]Take a Note (4.99 -> .99)[]BookReader (4.99 -> .99)[]Meow Meow Happy Fight (2.99 -> .99)[]Piyo Blocks (1.99 -> .99)[]Piyo Blocks 2 (2.99 -> .99)[]Let?s Golf! 2 (4.99 -> .99)[]Hero of Sparta II (6.99 -> .99)[]Uno (4.99 -> .99)[]The Settlers (4.99 -> .99)[]Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front (4.99 -> .99)[]Asphalt 5 (4.99 -> .99)[]Shrek Kart (4.99 -> .99)[]Iron Man 2 (4.99 -> .99)[]NFL 2011 (4.99 -> .99)[]SimCity Deluxe (2.99 -> .99)[]NCAA Football (4.99 -> .99)[]Reckless Racing (2.99 -> .99)[]The Sims 3 Ambitions (4.99 -> .99)[]The Sims 3 World Adventures (4.99 -> .99)[]Risk (4.99 -> .99)[]Need for Speed Shift (4.99 -> .99)[]Tetris (2.99 -> .99)[]Rock Band (6.99 -> 4.99)[]The Game of Life Classic Edition (2.99 -> .99)[]Monopoly (2.99 -> .99)[]Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition (2.99 -> .99)[]Scrabble (2.99 -> .99)[]The Simpsons Arcade (2.99 -> .99) Need for Speed Undercover (4.99 -> .99)
Aplikacje uniwersalne:
[*]Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Warhead (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Cro-Mag Rally 2.99 -> .99)
[*]Enigmo 2 (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Billy Frontier (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Bugdom 2 (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Nanosaur 2 (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Otto Matic (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Antimatter (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Linkoidz (1.99 -> .99)
[*]DoubleTake! (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Cliffed XL (1.99 -> .99)
[]Zombie Attack! Second Wave XL (3.99 -> .99)
[*]Implode! XL (2.99 -> .99)
[]Rapala Pro Bass Fishing (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Chopper 2 (4.99 -> 2.99)
[]UFC Undisputed 2010 (6.99 -> 4.99)
[*]Calendars (6.99 -> 1.99)
[]Enigmo Deluxe (2.99 -> .99)
[]World Series of Poker Hold?em Legend for iPad (4.99 -> .99)
[]Mahjong Artifacts HD (4.99 -> .99)
[*]Super KO Boxing 2 for iPad (2.99 -> .99)
[*]Deer Hunter 3D for iPad (4.99 -> .99)
[*]Build-a-Lot 2: Town of the Year for iPad (4.99 -> .99)
[]The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition for iPad (4.99 -> 1.99)
[]Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck?s Revenge for iPad (4.99 -> 1.99)
[]Fruit Ninja HD (4.99 -> 2.99)
[]Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition for iPad (7.99 -> 2.99)
[]ChuChu Rocket! HD (4.99 -> 2.99)
[]Deer Hunter: African Safari for iPad (6.99 -> 2.99)
[]Vacation Mogul HD (6.99 -> 4.99)
[*]Bit.Trip Beat HD (1.99 -> .99)
[]PAC-Chain (2.99 -> .99)
[*]PAC-MAN for iPad (4.99 -> .99)
[*]PAC-Match Party HD (1.99 -> .99)
[*]Pool Pro Online 3 for iPad (2.99 -> .99)
[]Ragdoll Blaster 2 HD (4.99 -> 2.99)
[*]Azkend HD (4.99 -> 2.99)
[]Sparkle HD (4.99 -> 2.99)
[]Miriel the Magical Merchant HD (4.99 -> 2.99
- *PDF Expert for iPad (4.99 - 1.99)
- ReaddleDocs for iPad (4.99 - 1.99)
- *Printer Pro (6.99 - 1.99)
- *PDF HD (2.99 - Free)
- *Lion Pride Huge (4.99 - 2.99)
- *Hero of Sparta II HD (6.99 - .99)
- *The Settlers HD (9.99 - .99)
- *Splinter Cell Conviction HD (6.99 - .99)
- *Let?s Golf! 2 HD (4.99 - .99)
- *Shrek Forever After: The Game HD (4.99 - .99)
- Shrek Kart HD (4.99 - .99)
- Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front HD (4.99 - .99)
- Iron Man 2 for iPad (4.99 - .99)
- *Reckless Racing HD (4.99 - .99)
- *Madden NFL 11 for iPad (12.99 - 4.99)
- *Yahtzee HD (4.99 - .99)
- *Clue: Secrets & Spies ? A Hidden Object Game (4.99 - 2.99)
- Mirror?s Edge for iPad (9.99 - 4.99)
- Tetris for iPad (7.99 - 2.99)
- Scrabble for iPad (9.99 - 4.99)
- Meow Meow Happy Fight HD 2.99 - .99)
Ceny podane są w dolarach amerykańskich. Część z wymienionych gier dostępna jest tylko z poziomu US App Store. Gwiazdki przy tytułach oznaczają najniższą cenę w historii. Oczywiście zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że to nie wszystkie aplikacje, dlatego też zachęcamy do przejrzenia sklepu Apple?a na własną rękę. Miłego weekendu!
Źródło: AppAdvice