Wykaz narzędzi z Cydii kompatybilnych z iOS 5
Mając na uwadze ostatnie wydarzenia na iPhone'owej scenie jailbreakowej, czyli na przykład udostępnienie jailbreaku untethered dla iPada 2 oraz iPhone'a 4S, warto przypomnieć, które narzędzia z Cydii są kompatybilne z najnowszym, odblokowanym iOS-em.
Zdecydowanie więcej jest kompatybilnych narzędzi niż tych działających połowicznie czy w ogóle.
Lista narzędzi z Cydii kompatybilnych z iOS 5:
- 140plus for Twitter,
- 3G Unrestrictor,
- 60 Second Lock Screen,
- ActionBoard,
- Action Menu v1.2.5
- Action Menu Plus Pack 1.2.3,
- AdBlocker v1.30,
- afc2add,
- Airplane SBSettings,
- Alarming,
- AllMail,
- AndroidLock XT,
- Android Recent Apps v1.1.1,
- AnimateBattery,
- App Switcher Brightness,
- App Switcher Ringer,
- AppBackup,
- AppCake,
- AppInfo,
- AppLinks,
- AppList,
- AppLockers,
- AppSlide,
- AskToCall,
- AutoClose Folder,
- Autolock SBSettings,
- BackForwardEnhancer,
- Backlight Dimmer SBS Toggle,
- BackLiter,
- BackToDeb,
- BadgeClear,
- Barrel v1.5.8-1,
- BatteryDetective,
- BatteryLogger Plus,
- Beautifolders,
- BigBoss Icon Set,
- Bigify+,
- biteSMS,
- Black Keyboard,
- Bolt v0.6,
- BossPaper,
- BounceLock,
- Brightness Switcher,
- Browser Changer,
- Btstack,
- BTstack GPS,
- BytaFont,
- CallBar,
- CallClear,
- Call Counter 3,
- Call Delete,
- CallLog,
- CameraButtons,
- CameraWallpaper,
- CardSwitcher,
- ChatPic,
- Clean Up,
- CleanStatus,
- CleverPin v1.4-1,
- Clock Plugin for LockInfo,
- Cloudy Notification Center Theme,
- Color Keyboard,
- Color Mail Labels v1.0-26,
- Crash Reporter,
- CyDelete v2.0.5-1,
- CyLay,
- Cyntact,
- DeleteMail,
- DictGoogle,
- DietBar,
- Dimmer,
- Direct Closer Pro,
- DisplayOut v1.6.4,
- Dock,
- Double At,
- Dreamboard,
- DreamView Notification Center Theme,
- Erica Utilities,
- EZDecline,
- FakeClockUp,
- FakeLocation,
- FakeCarrier,
- FakeMail v3.1.0,
- FakeOperator,
- Fastr,
- Firewall IP,
- Five Icon Dock,
- Five Icon Switcher,
- Five-Column Springboard,
- FlashCam,
- f.lux,
- FolderCloser,
- FolderLock,
- FolderIcons v2.0.0,
- FullScreen for Safari v1.30,
- GKFriendsAdder,
- GlovePod,
- GPower Pro,
- gpSPhone,
- Grooveshark v2.5.0,
- GridLock,
- HapticPro v1.2.6,
- HeadingLock for Maps,
- HomePage,
- iAP Cracker,
- iBlacklist v5.0-2,
- iBlank,
- iBooks fix for iOS 5,
- IconSupport,
- Icon Renamer,
- Iconoclasm,
- IconSupport,
- iFaceApp,
- iFile,
- iLocalis,
- Infiniboard,
- Infinidock,
- Infinifolders,
- Insomnia,
- Instant Mirror,
- IntelliStatusBarIcons,
- IP Blocker,
- iPhone Modem,
- iReal Sms,
- iRetina 4+ SBSetting Theme,
- iRetiner GUI,
- iSwipe,
- iTether w/ OnDemand,
- iTransmission,
- iWepPro,
- iWhiteboard,
- LockMessages,
- LockScreen Clock Hide,
- KBShortcuts,
- KillBackground v1.2.2,
- Libstatusbar v0.9.3,
- Locklauncher,
- Mail Enhancer,
- Mail Rules,
- ManualCorrect,
- ManualCorrectPro,
- Masks,
- Media Controller Brightness,
- MissedCallOpening,
- Mobile Substrate,
- MobileTerminal,
- MobileVolumeSound,
- Move2Unlock,
- MultiCleaner,
- Multiflow,
- Multislide,
- MxTube,,
- Music Controls Pro,
- My3G,
- MyVolume,
- MyWi 5.0,
- Navigate From Maps,
- No Spot,
- Netatalk,
- No Background Gradiant,
- No Bookmarks,
- No Keyboard Spotlight,
- No Labels for iOS 4,
- No Page Dots,
- NoAccSplash,
- NoFolderPreview,
- NoLock,
- NoLockscreen,
- NoSpot,
- Notifier+,
- NoVoiceMail,
- NowListening,
- NTPdate,
- Orbit for IOS 4.X,
- OpenSSH,
- OverBoard v1.2.8,
- PagePusher,
- PandoraSkips,
- Parallax,
- PasswordPilot v1.1-1,
- Phone Buzzer,
- PhotoAlbums+ for iPhone,
- PhotoProtect,
- PKGBackup,
- PlayAwake,
- Poof,
- PowerIcons,
- PowerSaver,
- PowerUp,
- PreferenceLoader v2.0.3-2,
- PowerSaver,
- Pull to refresh for mail,
- QuickDo,
- QuickLock,
- QuickLock 2,
- QuickOpen,
- QuickScroll 2,
- QuickScrollPlus,
- Remove Background,
- Remove Recents,
- RetinaPad v1.2.4,
- roqyBT4,
- Rotation Inhibitor,
- roqyBT4,
- Safari Upload Enabler,
- Sbsettings,
- Screen Dimmer,
- Scrollingboard,
- Serious SBSettings HD,
- Silent Vibrate SBSettings,
- SlideAway v1.3-1,
- SMS+ v1.2-1,
- SMS Counter,
- SMS2Mail,
- Snes9x EX,
- SpringFlash + SBSettings Toggle,
- StayOpened,
- SuperSlider v2.2.2,
- Tab+,
- Tap2Unlock,
- TetherMe,
- ThemeIconMaker,
- TidySpring,
- TimerBar,
- Toggle SSH,
- Transparent Statusbar for iOS4,
- TruPrint,
- TVOut2 Mirror,
- TwitPlaying,
- Twitter Plugin for LockInfo,
- UDIDFaker,
- UISettings,
- ultrasn0w,
- UnlockFX,
- Veency,
- VoiceActivator,
- Voicemail Forwarder,
- Wallpaper JPEGifier,
- WeatherIcon,
- Webscrollian,
- WiFI Booster,
- WiFi Passwords,
- WiFiSMS,
- Wraparound,
- Winterboard,
- xBackup,
- xGPS,
- YooKey Pro,
- ZoomIsBack,
Lista narzędzi w połowie kompatybilnych z iOS 5:
- Activator v1.6.0
- AppToDeb
- AskToSend
- Calltell
- Celeste
- Click2Call
- Clock Plugin for LockInfo
- Delete Word
- Direct Control
- DonTouch
- Dynamic Table Strip
- FileMail
- Five Icon Folder
- FlashEnhancer
- Gridlock
- GuizmOVPN
- HTC Plugin for Lockinfo
- iGotYa
- KuaiDial
- Landscape Lock Rotation
- LockGestures
- LockInfo
- LSRotator
- MakeItMine
- MewSeek
- MySwitcher
- No Clock Status
- NoAppStorePass
- PdaNet
- Pull to Refresh for Mai
- qTweeter
- Signal
- SMSHideKeyboard
- Spire
- SpringFlash SBSettings Toggle
- StatusTweak
- ToneFxs 2 (Pro)
- USB Drive
- YouTube2
Lista narzędzi niekompatybilnych z iOS 5:
- 5-Row Keyboard
- AirServer
- AlertArtist
- AlphaCon
- Android Delete
- AppSwitcher Rotator
- AppSwitcher Volume
- Apptivator
- Australian BOM Weather
- Auto Location
- Auto ShutDown
- Auto3G
- AutoAnswer
- Back to Top Contact
- BackForwardList for Safari
- BluSelect
- Bootlace
- Call InfoFields
- IntelliDial
- Intelliscreen
- IntelliShared
- iPicMyContacts
- iStrings
- LinkSafe
- LinkLauncher
- LiveClock
- Lock Calendar
- LockAlert
- Lockdown Pro
- Lockscreen Dim Delay Control
- Locktopus
- MapsEnhancer
- MiTime
- MultiExchange
- MultiMusicInfo
- NES 3
- NoAccessorySplash
- Notifier
- NoWiggle
- OpenNotifier
- OpenNotifier Premium Pack
- PhoneHint
- Photector
- Popup Blocker
- Push Doctor
- Push Notifications SBSettings Toggle
- PwnTunes
- Quick Dismiss
- QuickReply for SMS
- Random Icon Flip
- Remind me later
- Remove background
- Resupported4
- RetinaAppIcons
- Ringer/Silent Toggle
- RingToggle
- Running Indicator
- RunningList
- Safari Donwload Manager
- Safari Upload Enabler
- Sbrotator
- Showcase
- Six Icon Dock
- SmartPhone – MobileSpy
- snes4iphone
- StartDial
- StartDial
- StatusNamer
- StatusNotifier
- StyleUnlock
- SwitcherPlus
- Switcherscape
- Swype
- Switcher Plus
- Syncronicity
- Tlert
- TV Tube Sleep
- UnFolder
- User Agent Faker
- VoiceKeys
- VoiceMailBlock
- Volume Boost
- VolumePaging
- vWallpaper2
- Vibrifications
- Wifi Analyzer
- WiFi2Me
- WLAN Audit
- YFiSelect4
- yFy Network Finder Lite
- YouMail
- YourTube
- YoutubeToMp3
Źródło: ispazio